
Road map is, at its heart, a standardized data structure. The tools built to consume it are where the real value comes from.


Putting together your road map is something we'd like to make as easy as possible. To achieve that, there are several editors and editor integrations available. Their goal is to provide you with guidance and (in some cases) realtime feedback on your road map.


One of the best things to do with your road map is show it to people and what better way than through a colourful diagram? These tools are designed to make understanding your road map so easy that your team will wonder what all the fuss was about.


Converts your roadmap.yml file into a GraphViz DOT format which can be easily rendered into SVG, PNG and a range of other formats.

go install github.com/SierraSoftworks/roadmap/tools/roadmap@latest
roadmap render graphviz --in roadmap.yml


Sometimes you want to be able to convert your road map into a human readable document. This might be so that you can display it on a website, drop it into a planning system or simply to make it a bit easier to read. These tools are designed to help with that.


Allows you to render a roadmap.yml file directly within DocFX, if that's your poison.

nuget install DocFX.Plugins.Roadmap -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory .


Converts your roadmap.yml file into a static HTML file which can be easily viewed in most web browsers.

go install github.com/SierraSoftworks/roadmap/tools/roadmap@latest
roadmap render html --in roadmap.yml --out roadmap.html


Converts your roadmap.yml file into a Markdown file which can be rendered by most Markdown rendering programs.

go install github.com/SierraSoftworks/roadmap/tools/roadmap@latest

# Generate a full Markdown file
roadmap render md --in roadmap.yml --out roadmap.md

# Generate a simplified Markdown file (for GitHub comments/issues etc)
roadmap render md --int roadmap.yml --out roadmap.md --simple

Web Viewer

The Road Map website includes a viewer which allows you to visualize your road map directly from a public repository. It will load the roadmap.yml file (if present) in the root of your repository and render that in your browser.



Once you've finalized your road map, you will probably want to execute on it. Manually entering road map items into your team's ticketing system is enough to drive even the most hardened planner crazy, so why not automate that by using one of our ingestion tools?